While the demand for oil continues, digging to deeper depths and off-shore drilling are becoming a necessity. But these types of drilling are challenging and…
Augmenting Renewable Energy with IIoT
Solar and wind energy may be green, but they have some limitations. A back-up power source is needed when the sun and wind aren’t available…
The Rough Edge of Rugged Computing
Rough around the edges. Cutting edge. On the ragged edge. You’d think that an edge device by nature would be able to withstand intense environments.…
Challenging Environments Part II: Testing for Harsh Environments
Rugged technology withstands everything thrown at it, but what exactly faces these warrior devices often comes across as vague. These five challenging environmental factors and…
Challenging Environments Part I: The Physical Demands on Technology Solutions
Deeper, higher, dirtier and longer: industries are going further than ever in their operations. The technology used to support their missions must be able to…
Water+Energy Part III: Four Technologies Reducing Industrial Energy and Water Waste
While water and energy industries have a frequently harmful, codependent relationship, this status quo can change. Technology provides an excellent way forward to sustainability and…
Water+Energy Part II: Water Use and Waste in Energy Industries
In 2014, the World Bank announced that modern water and energy production systems were on a collision course. Part I of our Water+Energy series covered…
Water+Energy Part I: Energy Use and Waste in Water Management
In 2014, the World Bank announced that modern water and energy production systems were on a collision course. In this three-part Water+Energy Series, this collision…
Green Manufacturing: Industry 4.0 and the Sustainable Future
Industry 4.0 technology and green manufacturing go hand-in-hand, and they are guiding manufacturing conversations. Part of this “green dialogue” exists from redirected priorities toward global…