Sealevel Systems, Inc. Announces PC/104 Analog and Digital I/O Module

Sealevel Systems, Inc., known for innovative serial and digital I/O solutions, has introduced the AIO-104+8, the company’s first PC/104 module offering analog I/O. Designed using the Maxim MAX197 successive approximation-type A/D chip, the AIO-104+8 provides eight single-ended 12-bit inputs. Additionally, two 12-bit D/A output channels and 16 TTL digital I/O bits, which can be individually programmed as input or output, are included. Offering impressive functionality in a small, rugged form-factor, the AIO-104+8 is a perfect solution for a variety of PC/104-based data acquisition/control and test/measurement applications.

The AIO-104+8’s A/D inputs are software selectable for 0-5V, 0-10V, +/-5V, and +/-10V ranges and can be configured via hardware for measuring 4-20mA current loop. The inputs feature 5MHz bandwidth track/hold and 100K bps throughput rate. The two 12-bit D/A channels are jumper selectable for 4.095V or 2.048V full-scale. Software support for the AIO-104+8 is provided for easy implementation using either Win32 library calls or a drop-in ActiveX control.

The AIO-104+8, part number 3820, requires 5V only, and is available in standard or extended (-40°C to 85°C) temperature range. A variety of cabling/termination features allow easy connection to real-world signals.