Case Studies

What’s the best way to learn about what we do for customers? Read their stories and learn firsthand how we’re making a difference in critical communications.

Rugged and Ready: Relio R1 Beats the Heat in Fracking

In fracking operations, a fleet of trucks carries equipment, including computers that are the brains of their work. A Sealevel customer asked for a standardized computing solution that would meet their specifications, which are more stringent than MIL-STD-810. The computer had to be affordable, as they would be equipping their entire fleet.

Powering Energy Efficiency: IIoT Solar Panel Solutions

An amusement park that prioritizes sustainability contracted a renewable energy group to install a solar power system. The group roof-mounted the panels throughout the park and ground-mounted them in one lot outside the park. The energy group wanted an IIoT solution to gather reliability data on their panels’ electricity production and relay commands for cloudy days for operational optimization. The solution also needed to allow remote access and monitoring, regardless of conditions.

Integrative Control: Applying IIoT Technology to Sensor Systems

A company that manufactures controls for liquid level detection and pump system management reached out to Sealevel. They wanted to incorporate remote access, data recording and user alerts into their stock sensor-based control systems designed for agro-innovation, conservation and commercial environmental applications. One of their clients carries out expansive landscaping operations at multiple residential sites. The control technology company specifically wanted to automate their water control system.

Automation: Mitigating Risks Through Manufacturing Monitoring

A Sealevel customer specializes in petrochemical manufacturing. They found that employees, when working with machinery, often used their instincts rather than depending on reliable data. Unintentionally, they created risk of process manufacturing failure, contributing to machine damage. Our client approached us seeking a solution that would remove human interference and improve preventative maintenance procedures.

Agriculture Automation: Smart Farming with IIoT Technology

A major US city tasked a farming cooperative with ending a regional food desert, which is an area lacking access to groceries and fresh produce. The co-op built multiple “urban farms” using a hydroponic system, and the farms needed to minimize water usage based on water consumption regulations. Since the project was grant-funded, it had a tight budget.