How do I create a ‘silent install’ for a Sealevel software driver in Microsoft Windows?
Using these steps, a user can create a ‘silent install’ for any Sealevel software driver for Microsoft Windows operating systems. All steps are run in a command prompt (Start -> Run -> CMD [Enter]):
1) Create a directory on the c: drive called silent using this command:
MD c:silent
2) Copy the Sealevel software driver for your adapter to the directory c:silent.
3) In this example, we are using the SeaCOM driver from the software CD. Run the installation from the command prompt using the /r parameter:
CD silent
SeaCOM_Installer.exe /r
4) The installation proceeds with the user supplying the appropriate responses to the dialog windows. Once the installation completes, the file c:windowssetup.iss is generated, which contains the user-supplied answers for a silent installation.
5) Copy the file c:windowssetup.iss to c:silent.
COPY c:windowssetup.iss c:silent
6) Run the installation again to uninstall the SeaCOM software that you installed in step 3. This is necessary to test the silent installation on your system.
7) To test the silent install or perform a silent install on the target system, make sure the Sealevel software executable (exe) and the setup.iss files are in the same directory. Run the installation from the command prompt using the following parameters:
SeaCOM_Installer.exe /s /f1″c:silentsetup.iss”
Note: The /s parameter tells the installation to run in silent mode and the /f1 parameter indicates the path to the setup.iss file. Relative paths are unreliable so the full path should be used. The silent installation will not work if the /f1 parameter is omitted.
8) The silent installation will proceed without any interaction from the user.
Note: Sealevel does not distribute a silent installation package for two reasons: (1) the license agreement must be accepted by the customer; and (2) the questions answered during the recorded installation are based on the warning levels set on the user’s systems.