Custom Solutions – Serial Isolation Board


A customer designing a new hazardous area computer system required all external connections to the host to be isolated in order to meet certification requirements. The single board computer used in the system provided the USB, RS-232, and RS-422 functionality needed by the customer, but these ports were not isolated. In a very short time frame, Sealevel designed a custom board that isolated these signals and routed them to the connectors mounted in the system enclosure via ribbon cables.

See how Sealevel engineers successfully tackled the tough challenge of designing a board small enough to fit into the space available in the customer’s enclosure, yet still provide electrical isolation for three signal interfaces: USB, RS-232, and RS-422. Download the rest of the “Customer Spotlight – Custom Serial Isolation Board” article (722kb printer-friendly PDF), below the image. Sealevel also offers a variety of standard USB to Serial products.

Custom Solutions - Serial Isolation Board